
Backed with The Black and White Spider Awards, The Smithsonian 7th Photo Awards, Amyn Nasser combined his selections of “Voyeur Nocturne Architecture” and “Erotica” series for Deep Moda. He talked with us the concept. “Voyeur Nocturne Architecture began as a personal project when I came to visit this illustrious city. As I walked by the marina, something captivated me. It was a feeling of a romantic Vancouver...something quite magical. I took upon the challenge of capturing that feeling of Vancouver from a Voyeuristic viewpoint. A 10 month project ensued, with the outcome climaxing in 62 images depicting an inner beauty to the city, experienced by many, but seen by few. The Voyeur Nocturne body of work was The only photography officially chosen to hang at Olympic Village for The February 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. I exhibited The work os or solo show of TRUNK Gallery. The Erotica is almost sensual segments. “The Observer viewing the Observed. A simple moment in time. Split Second Capture. It's a moment in time. The Sexual tension. That Sexual tension. That which what makes up walk the talk. Me. You. I. Blond. Charlie Brown.“

“I believe in the photographer's magic, the ability to stir the soul with light and shape and color. Through the photographer's eyes a kiss becomes a romance, a stretch of fabric is or costume of endless possibilities...a face has the playful vibrancy that describes a lifetime... I strive for a visual Split Second Capture that tells a story with mood, style, motion, and mystery by creating powerful color, and striking black & white images. My juxtaposed vision is very much influenced by The East-West culture that I have grown up with. From Iman To Claudia, Helena To Amber, in Paris or New York, To The Maasai in East Africa, people in Zanzibar or The Sahara Desert, BMW To Volvo and Husky Energy, I enjoy the challenge of creating contemporary images with dynamic visual stories that speak effectively of the cultural context.”

获得多次国际大奖的多元摄影u币Amyn Nasser本期为我们
带来 “Voyeur Nocturne Architecture”禾口 “ Erotica′′两个
作品系列, 经过重新组台, 与我们交流了他的创作想法。
“Voyeur Nocturne Architecture皇对城市 照 明 的反 映,
它属于我个人的拍摄项目. 某天我经过温哥华的小艇停靠
区, 什么东西一刹那令我感到振奋, 就像种特别浪漫而神
奇的感觉。 我想也许可以尝试以温哥华的夜晚为题材来创
造一组图片。 拍摄共用去酊个月时间, 最后有62幅令我感
到满意的照片, 从城市的夜空眺望万家灯火, 窥探建筑物
每个窗口的内容, 也许很多人曾匆匆经历过, 却不曾仔细
欣赏过。 这组作品在20]0年温哥华冬季奥运会的奥运村
展出, 此后在rRUNK画廊做个人展。 ”
“观察者与被观察者之间的片刻, 我们可以把时间摘裂,
精确到秒, 每一秒都能充满某种诱惑, 每一步都像在耳边
轻轻发话: 我, 你, 金发女郎, Charlie Brown。 ”
日训阅充满摸不着北的魅力, 她是一种意念, 只有在你兴
“不能否认影师透过镜头能用光学, 形状, 色彩的力把
灵魂点燃。 从取景框看到的接吻是浪漫, 展开的时装锦缎
有着无限可能, 脸部丰富的表情宛如诉说生命的故事。 我
希望从摘裂的时间中用情绪和行动来重现眼中的故事, 它
可能是彩色也可能黑白。 这跟我成长中摄入到东西放的文
化有关。 从巴黎到纽约, 从东非马赛到桑给巴尔, 撒哈拉
沙漠, 从宝马到沃尔沃, 夏士墓......我非常乐意往柜机里
面装动感十足的故事, 发现文化背景下的不同趣味。 ”


Featured by Nikon USA | Amyn Nasser's Voyeur Nocturne The City of Glass project article. 

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Tirage / Print: Vecchio Moderno Stampa Film
Hand Printed Fine Art Gallery Museum Limited Edition Chromegenic Chromira, Lightjet, Lambda Print.
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©Amyn Nasser
All Rights Reserved. 
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Official Website http://AmynNasser.com

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